Est. 1998

Composite Teeth Veneers

Composite veneers, usually simply called composites, are bonded to the tooth in a totally different way than the porcelain or acrylic veneers.  Whereas the other veneers are like false fingernails placed on top of the real ones, the composite veneer is like fingernail polish that is painted on the nail.

The same initial etching process takes place, but after the tooth has been roughened, the paste-like composite resin is applied directly to the tooth.  Then it’s contoured to the shape of the tooth. Once it’s close to the desired form, it is hardened either by a chemical reaction or with the use of a special fiber-optic light.  Then the finishing shaping touches are made, and finally it’s smoothed and polished to a natural, tooth-like luster.  Usually this is a one-visit procedure.

Composites can also be used as  a filling material for repairing decay in teeth. Until recently it was only used for small fillings, but due to advances in composite materials some products now claim to be hard and durable enough to be used for larger fillings, including filling involving chewing surfaces.